Sunday, December 04, 2005

More pics in no specific order.

Here are some more pics of the QTH and antennas.


G4AKC said...

You lucky sod ...a good location (with water!) and a proper twig too!!

G4AKC said...

david is G4AKC/MOBILE!!!

S58F said...


WAW..what a nice location have a lot of salt water around your QTH.

Probably you have some 80m vertical antenna..the tree near the tower be
excellent for 80m vertical :o)

Gerry all the best & CUL AGN!!
Eric S58F

wenche said...

Nice view! Good to live at Sagbakken,-is it not?

John-GI0HWO said...

Probably the biggest erection you'v ever had !!!!!